Thursday, January 31, 2008

Breaking News Breaking News.

Kuh-laire, congrats 'cause you are IN. In TPC!!!Good job chica, you deserve it! Your next mani/pedi? On me :)

This has Been Alicia Rivera saying I heart you!


Hola Girls

Que Passa? I am Alicia Rivera (duh!) and I am a part of the most popular, most gorgeous clique in school. Heard of us? Of course you have. The Pretty Comittee. There's Massie, Kristen, Dylan and me. So today TPC and I went into the city to look for grad dresses-it may be early but we don't want them to be anything less then fah-bulous. I haven't found "The One" but have put 11 on hold. So hard to choose! But here's one I have no trouble saying "TACK-YY" to. Dylan tried it on, for fun, ahb-viously! Don't worry Dyl, you can pull it off...kinda. Love ya, D ♥ . Well, my little chicas, my phone is ringing and caller ID says its Josh. Ooh-La-La.

This has been Alicia saying "I heart you!"